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Alpiq – A different kind of energy

Alpiq is a leading Swiss electricity producer and energy service provider and is active throughout Europe. We offer our customers comprehensive and efficient services in the fields of energy generation, marketing and energy optimisation.

At Alpiq, business is always conducted based on our purpose “together for a better climate and an improved security of supply” and this purpose, together with our values and ethical standards, is engrained in our culture as a company. We pursue a sustainable, financially stable and risk-adjusted business model.

Raising awareness of invasive plants among the younger generation

On 17 June 2024, primary school pupils enthusiastically uprooted invasive plants that threatened the stability of the banks along the Trient watercourse in the municipality of Salvan (canton of Valais). Xavière Schröder, Environmental Project Manager at Alpiq, organised this action to raise awareness among the younger generation of the importance of preserving local biodiversity and playing an active part in protecting the environment.

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When the glacier melts: how our use of water as a resource is changing

Switzerland is Europe's surge tank. But as the climate changes, there are increasing demands on the use of water as a resource. We want to take a look at water use as a result of climate change, how this alters our behaviour and what demands will be placed on us as a society in the future. 

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Vercelli 2.0 – more flexible, efficient and climate-friendly

Over the past months, Alpiq has completely overhauled the Vercelli gas-fired power plant in the northern Italian region of Piedmont, making it fit for the energy future. Thanks to its flexibility, it can provide valuable services for electrical system adequacy and for security of supply in Italy.

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Our business

Trading and origination

Do you want to market your produced electricity as lucratively as possible? Find out what services we provide in the area of market access.

Asset management

As a power plant owner, you want to generate electricity as efficiently as possible. Find out what we can do to increase the productivity of your power plants.

Energy management

Alpiq's customised energy management offers keep your risks to a minimum and increase your flexibility, while optimising your portfolio and profit potential. Discover our whole spectrum of services.

Digital energy solutions

We combine hardware, software, data processing and artificial intelligence to produce digital energy services that simplify your energy management and make interconnection work for you.

Gas supply

We can offer you a reliable gas supply in France, Germany, Italy and Spain, with individual contracts and options. Take a look at our terms.

Renewable energy management

We take care of the management of your power plants. Our comprehensive range of services includes traditional direct marketing, market access for aggregators and power purchase agreements (PPAs).