On 25 April 2013 the 5th Ordinary General Meeting of Alpiq Holding Ltd. was held in Olten's Kleinholz City Hall. The 479 attending shareholders or proxies, representing 92.14 percent of voting rights, approved the 2012 consolidated financial statements and annual report of Alpiq Holding Ltd. The General Meeting voted for payment of a dividend of CHF 2 per registered share in Alpiq Holding Ltd. They discharged the members of the Board of Directors of their responsibilities and elected Michael Baumgärtner, Dominique Bompoint, Damien Gros, Alex Kummer and René Longet to the Board for a term of office of two years each, and Olivier Fauqueux for a three-year term of office. They succeed Gérard Roth, Patrick Pruvot, Stéphane Tortajada, Alex Stebler, Daniel Mouchet and François Driesen.
Alpiq Chairman: "The restructuring measures are bearing fruit" In his review of 2012 Chairman Hans E. Schweickardt said it was a more satisfactory year than 2011. "The restructuring measures are bearing fruit," said Schweickardt, adding that these measures resulted in a respectable net profit. Alpiq also scored another success by reducing debt of around CHF 0.5 billion. Even if the company is not yet out of the woods, said the Chairman, he expressed confidence: "I firmly believe that Alpiq is well-positioned for the future."