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Successful “Swiss Evening” in Vienna

Alpiq is steadily expanding its market presence in the fields of digital energy services and e-mobility solutions in Europe. On 8 October 2019, to mark our market entry in our neighbouring country, Walter Haffner, Switzerland’s Ambassador to Austria, welcomed fifty invited guests from the energy and the industrial sectors, academia and politics to his residence in Vienna in order to offer an opportunity to discuss the challenges of the new energy world with Alpiq representatives.

 “The change process in the fields of energy and mobility is already well underway,” said Ambassador Walter Haffner, stressing that successfully shaping this change requires both innovative solutions and dedicated, optimistic individuals.

During this special ”Swiss Evening”, the diversity of issues relating to the energy industry stimulated a lively dialogue among the guests, with discussions covering amongst others, subjects such as emission-free mobility of the future, the importance of cross-border energy trading and the potential of artificial intelligence in the energy industry. Leading exponents from the industry outlined from their own personal point of view what tomorrow’s energy world could look like in concrete terms.

During the successful kick-off event, Christine Scharinger from the Raiffeisen Banking Group concluded: “We all share a responsibility to actively combat climate change. The energy sector, policymakers and the industrial sector are all facing the same challenges. As an innovative Swiss energy company with a long history, Alpiq is an exciting new player on the Austrian market.”

Alpiq’s conclusion: A sustainable energy ecosystem has become socially relevant – and thus offers the potential for new business models and industrial partnerships. Alpiq is actively shaping Europe’s energy future and plans to grow in Austria by offering digital services and solutions for zero-emission mobility.

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